My critters REALLY like people.
I'm creating a gaming channel after seeing guys that are just playing for mad money make hundreds daily- I thought maybe they might like my crazy attempts at 7 days to die or sumtin. Anyways. I'm gonna put more into creating online to maybe get more help for our Co-op Forest Farm Sanctuary Project of Wanderers End. I've created a wishlist in the hopes that we get some views. I have critters here that I need some vet help. Kittens needing fixed or adopted, and little lLucky that wasn't so Lucky, and now needs surgery. I'm gonna try covering it with my disability check, even though my neighbors say put him in the freezer. Lucky is my sweet little friend that I 'm hoping to be the star of a mini critter petting zoo. I plateau domesticate my critters so they are all very sweet. I'm thinking that getting them more and cuddles and hugs from kids would be just so much fun for them and beneficial for our project.
The Amazon list..sorry sidetracked again. I have a fence on there I'm really hoping to get. They're just walkn thru the goat one I have now. It just isn't working for these miniatures see it as a jungle gym. Don't just pull in and sit in your car Oh Lord! My critters REALLY like people. They will want to immediately greet you! You do not want to be near your car when this happens! Pull in park and get out and into the yard quickly! My critters REALLY like people. They will want to immediately greet you! You do not want to be near your car when this happens! Ya'll need to check out the one vehicle that I have given up on rescuing.

They know I'll get em with my water gun so they actually don't bother Momma's Favorite if they do get on the newer one that was running.....(But it seems I hit a rock or something and now its blowing oil) anyways I'd get mad if they went near it. I'm a real quick draw with my squirt gun- POW right in their face to startle them.....I'd then purposely bitch enough that they are understanding their actions are bad. They're like toddlers really. Aww Yeah, Ya'll should just come packing! Just please first stop to fill them with our sweet creek water on the way in. I'll give ya the details where if ya come.