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   We think it's important to simultaneously develop non-exploitive and life-enhancing food systems that restore the wildlife habitat and protect the ecosystems often damaged even by plant-based agriculture. Our existing human knowledge base in the fields of farming /gathering, ecosystem function, horticulture, soil science, wildlife ecology, and carbon sequestration is more than sufficient to frame a love for animals inside a durable solution that will stand the test of time--all while meeting core needs.


We require a vision for food sufficiency—’ enoughness’—that protects animals, climate, habitat, and human health—and the core of our humanity. We work diligently across disciplines toward this lifelong vision. 



WES Farm's 300 acres are currently home to the important research and demonstration of these kinship principles. From our progressive forest management plan that favors mushroom harvesting and cultivation, water quality, and carbon farming, to our pollinator fields, to our wild-food foraging system...we integrate intersecting fields of ancestral and innovative knowledge into a coherent blueprint for future land stewardship and food system practices. 



We offer workshops and help other landowners and sanctuaries integrate similar systems on their own properties.



We help sanctuaries set up habitat and forage plantings that can help enhance the well-being of their animals and off-set food costs which also reduces the distant damage caused by using imported feeds. We show sanctuaries how to increase habitat for, and coexist with resident wild animals (mice, voles, birds, snakes, frogs, toads). We help with how to manage manures and nutrient flows, setting up composting programs that can create a salable product for sanctuary supporters, or for local, synergistic farmers wishing to exclude animal exploitation from their fertility program.


  • We establish food systems that build and restore wildlife habitats.

  • We also offer safe haven to previously farmed animals to live out their lives as partners within these systems.

  • We aspire to promote health for animals, ecosystems, and people.

  • We know that it's not enough to simply rescue farm animals.

Learn more of what we do.....

Gaia is a common sense Earth-based religion, one of knowing and living. We accept all truths and endeavor to prove their validity. Truths are found in nature, both physical and spiritual, in other religions, in writings, in science, in philosophy, and in Divine Law.

Gaian Living


Your contribution will enable us to support our employees and continue operations. We are very grateful for your generosity.






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Wanderers End Sanctuary is a division of the WE Network Inc. and is an all-volunteer registered 501(C)(3) NON-PROFIT CORPORATION. EIN #86-3429610. YOUR DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. 

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