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wanderersend Group

Public·6 members

Technical Approach

The most effective, least cost, easily scalable way to reverse climate change is by helping nature do her thing and stop interfering. For us, the thin driving wedge lies in photosynthesis, and the best place to take advantage of that in a warming world is in the tropics. We posit that a reversal of the growth of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is feasible using a socially responsible, economically productive and ecologically restorative agroforestry system we call "Climate Ecoforestry" that includes both terrestrial and marine afforestation/reforestation and regeneration of whole, intact ecosystems, from pollinators to great whales, nematodes and phytoplankton. This system, if carried to the scale of 50 Mha/yr, could annually sequester enough carbon from atmosphere to soils and living biomass, that it would avert the most serious climate change and begin to restore pre-industrial atmospheric chemistry, returning Earth to the comfortable Holocene conditions in which we evolved.....


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Gaia is a common sense Earth-based religion, one of knowing and living. We accept all truths and endeavor to prove their validity. Truths are found in nature, both physical and spiritual, in other religions, in writings, in science, in philosophy, and in Divine Law.

Gaian Living


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Wanderers End Sanctuary is a division of the WE Network Inc. and is an all-volunteer registered 501(C)(3) NON-PROFIT CORPORATION. EIN #86-3429610. YOUR DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. 

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